How to Avoid Probating a Will

Probating wills is time-consuming and a public affair; however, there are steps you can take now to avoid these situations for your heirs at your time of death. Yes, there are times when the complexity of the financial situation for an individual requires one to execute a will to be properly vetted and probated. But that’s not always the case. 

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This can save untold stress – emotional and financial – on your loved ones while they grieve. Having to worry about sorting out assets and paying inheritance taxes, among other fees can be reduced. 

Of course, the quickest and most extreme way to avoid probating your estate is to sell or otherwise get rid of all property in your name. Without any assets, there is nothing to probate. But let’s be real. This isn’t really practical in most cases. You need cash to live on until you die. You can also use a revocable living trust that covers you now (while you’re presumably alive and well), if you should become mentally incapacitated, and finally after your death. This isn’t as easy as it sounds either. All your assets need to be transferred into the name of the trust fund. You would then name beneficiaries to own the trust upon your death.

Another possibility is to use joint ownership with rights of survivorship. Basically, you’re adding a joint owner to a bank account or retirement fund, and registering it transfer on death (TOD). There are limitations to how effective a joint ownership can be in your circumstances. For example, Pennsylvania law does not permit TOD for real estate or vehicles. 

You can also use beneficiary designations on common assets like life insurance or retirement funds. This is probably one of the easiest ways to avoid probate. When you sign up for the account, simply designate a beneficiary at the same time (make sure to revisit these designations from time to time to ensure they’re still accurate!). 

While there are multiple ways to reduce the impact of estate taxes, only a tax attorney can help determine the best options for you. With more than 35 years of experience helping families minimize taxes and fees associated with collecting inheritances, we can help! Contact our office at 724-216-5180 or use our online form for more information. 

Naming a Third-Party Administrator

a photo of will document
Sometimes closing out the legal affairs of a deceased loved one
isn’t as easy as following a clear last will and testament...

Over the last several blogs, we’ve been talking about the many ways that a will can be administered after the death of a loved ones.

We’ve talked about the responsibilities of a named executor and how to relinquish the role of executor if the named is unwilling or unable to do so. These are the most common forms of executing a will. In rare instances, there is a third option: an independent third-party assumes the roles and responsibilities of executor to administer the will. 

An independent administrator also can be named if the deceased did not have a will and there is not a clear next of kin to assume the role of administrator. And unfortunately, although you may rarely hear about this with ‘real’ families, the death of a patriarch or matriarch can cause very public disagreements among beneficiaries on inheritances that potentially make for a great circus. 

In these situations, it may make sense financially to name an unbiased third party to serve as administrator. Battles over estates can rage on for years in courts and potentially cost family members and benefactors more than their inheritance in legal fees, even if they do ‘win.’ 

An independent administrator could be a trusted attorney or another official mediator. In these cases, the administrator will either follow the instructions of the deceased’s will if there is one or distribute the estate according to applicable intestacy statutes in the absence of a valid will.

Before you choose an action, take the time to consider how different scenarios could play out. Speaking with someone who is an expert in estate law will help you make the most informed decisions. Call our office at 724-216-5180 or email us at to learn about your legal options.

Estate Administration

During the loss of a loved one, serving as executor may not be something you feel you can do. Having an expert by your side to stand in can make a difficult time easier.

Administering the estate of someone who has died is not an easy process. Occasionally, there are more hurdles than usual for settling their estate. 

It’s common for problems to arise when there are multiple executors who do not get along or when a beneficiary does not agree with the actions of the named executor. More often, though, the named executor is not willing or able to serve in this role. In these cases, the best option is relinquish this responsibility. It’s important to remember that this has no bearing on the status of being a beneficiary of a will.

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, it is not difficult for someone to renounce their role as executor and hand over accountability to another individual; it only requires the completion of a simple form. 

Before you choose an action, take the time to consider how different scenarios could play out. Speaking with someone who is an expert in estate law will set your mind at ease and help you make the most informed decisions. Call our office at 724-216-5180 or email us at to learn about your legal options.

How to Serve as an Estate Executor

a photo of a last will and testament

A loved one dies and you’re the executor of their will. Now what? 

Unlike the scenes laid out in movies, rarely is everyone gathered at the attorney’s office at once for a reading of the will, complete with gasps and tears at surprise announcements. It makes for great drama on the screen, but as you can imagine, real life is rarely that… interesting.

Hopefully the person who named you in the will told you they were doing so. Some people are caught off guard. Let’s assume you knew you were being asked to be an executor.  

What does that even mean? 

As executor, you are responsible for settling all of the debts of the departed, distributing items per their wishes and dividing the remaining material wealth amongst named beneficiaries. 

Step one is determining if the will needs to be probated and then filing the will in the appropriate local probate court. While there is not a time limit on when you must do this, the longer you hold off, the greater the chance additional problems will arise and thus unnecessarily complicate the estate’s administration. This can get tricky and you should definitely have an attorney help you navigate this. 

You’re also responsible for finding assets owned by the departed and safekeeping them. If other people have property, you’ll need to collect it… one way or another. Yes, this is also another step where it’s important to have an attorney at your side.

Further, you will need to contact any places where the departed had bank accounts, credit card accounts, and various insurance policies. You will also need to contact pension plans, the Social Security Administration, and any other government or private organization that paid them benefits. Then you will need to contact anyone in debt to the departed and collect on those debts. You’ll also need to pay any taxes the estate owes to be able to fully settle the estate.

After distributing property and/or selling off anything the beneficiaries do not want, the proceeds must be distributed accordingly and only then can the estate be closed. 

Easy-peasy, right? You can probably tell we’ve barely scratched the surface of what serving as executor of the will of a loved one can entail. If you’ve recently learned you’ve been named as executor, or want to plan for your future duties, preparing now can help make the entire process go much more smoothly. Call our office at 724-216-5180 or email us at to get started. 

Taxman Disputes Solved

This is the time of year you typically start to see those thick letters come from the U.S. Treasury Office. Congratulations! You’re being audited!

Your first response may be to release a stream of creative explicatives. This is normal.

Say what you need to and get it all out.

Your next response should be to carefully review what the IRS or PA Department of Revenue is accusing you of having misstated. Gather up all your information and supporting documentation for the items in question, then call an experienced attorney for a consultation on your situation. Today.

Do not respond to the letter until you have spoken to a professional. BUT, do not ignore it either. I promise you, it won’t go away if you put it in a drawer and forget it. Delaying can add interest to any outstanding debts and further complicate your case. 

If you’re a business owner, you may think your first call should be to your accountant, but generally these are not the best resources as there is only limited accountant-client confidentiality. The taxman could potentially could gain access to your communications with your accountant or financial adviser and use them against you. However, any communications between you and an attorney are protected by attorney-client privilege.

With extensive experience in all types of tax disputes, I can help you resolve your problems and minimize your tax exposure. Call my office at 724-216-5180. 

Taxes Filed-Return Paid: Now Plan for Next Year

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Preparing now for next tax season is worth the peace of mind! We can help you get organized.

Congratulations! You filed your taxes on time and your payment (or refund!) is being processed as you read this. For some, this is an annual feeling of accomplishment. However, for many – maybe even you – it was a time of great stress, filled with blood, sweat and tears. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. By having a solid plan for next year, you won’t be scrambling to get your material together when tax time rolls around again. 

Does your income fluctuate throughout the year? It’s possible to lower or even avoid the penalties by annualizing your income and making unequal payments. Even better, as a business owner, if you properly estimate your quarterly taxes, you save money by not paying late or underpayment penalties. It can also lower your risk of being audited by the IRS.

I know many business owners who start off each year with what seems like a great plan for keeping an organized system. You know what they say about the road to (tax) hell… it’s paved with good intentions. Losing your way isn’t just frustrating, it can be expensive!

Need a little help organizing your payroll and bookkeeping, or sorting out penalties from past mistakes? We can help you get on the road to recovery and not approach tax payment with the same sense of dread. 

As an experienced CPA and tax attorney, I can help you comply with both the IRS and Pennsylvania state tax laws. We can even minimize your taxes through effective use of deduction, credits and other tools. 

Schedule a consultation with us today, by calling 724-216-0704 or emailing at