Listening To Your Business Needs
There is a lot at stake when choosing a business form. Your choice will determine how your business conducts its daily operations, pays its taxes and insulates itself from liability. At the Law Firm of John A. Cochran, Esq. we take the time to listen to your business needs and goals.
Choosing Among Business Forms
For over 35 years, we have guided business owners through decisions involving nearly every type of business form. Our past clients have included sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability entities, and Chapter C and Subchapter S corporations. Each entity selection is the summation of many smaller choices concerning matters of operational control, asset protection, taxation and other matters.
Dispelling Misconceptions
We work hard to educate our clients because many misconceptions surround the various business forms. LLCs are a popular choice, especially where some of the owners do not want operational control on a daily basis. An LLC structure divides membership interests into rights of control and income and shields members from personal liability. Yet a Chapter S corporation may be a better choice for a small company because it offers the certainty of long-standing legal principles of a corporation, yet avoids double taxation of corporate income.
Collaborating With Your Financial Team
We also collaborate with your accountant or financial adviser to better understand your business options. We may discover issues of equity and capital, or that some of your assets require protection, or profit distribution does not have to be in the form of dividends.
Contact My Office
To schedule a consultation call John A. Cochran, Esquire, in Greensburg at (724) 216-5180